A new wrestling media project launches on July 12th, 2025

An orange background with the Unkayfabe logo, a "u" and an "n" stacked vertically, in black in the center.

Unkayfabe is taking shape in the wrestling landscape. In a media environment full of content that prides itself on being easy to churn out, Unkayfabe aims to have a higher benchmark for it's content.

You may be asking, what content do we even plan to produce? In truth, the website may be a bit more complimentary to the true media content. The wrestling landscape is dominated by outdated websites charging a premium, we don't want to add too much more to that list. Rather, we intend to grow a quality audience on platforms like YouTube, to ensure that the wrestling content over there has a higher bar of quality in both production, and opinions.

In addition, we hope to expand the website to something more than just a compliment to the other media content. Additional details about potential opportunities to contribute, and the get financial compensation for your written works, will be coming as the deadline approaches.

And now you may be saying to yourself, just another aggregator! We don't think so. At Unkayfabe, the quality assurance is key, which is why one of our first goals is to establish a series of newsletters, videos, and more, that deliver only the best wrestling news to your feed, as to not waste your time. Not every sicko has the time to parse through mountains of misinformation, bad faith, and slop to find what has actually been confirmed with any degree of certainty. One of our first planned original series, "Last Week in Graps", will address this discrepancy by summarizing the happenings of the wrestling world every Wednesday.

We hope you will stick with us as we reveal more details about the project in the coming months, and I am very excited to start this chapter of our wrestling lives together.